In 1996, the MacNider Art Museum Foundation was established for the purpose of building long term financial stability for the Museum. Each year through fundraising initiatives and investments, the MacNider Art Museum Foundation continues to build the future for the Charles H. MacNider Art Museum for all North Iowans.
Securing the Future of the
Charles H. MacNider Art Museum
for all North Iowans
While the City of Mason City does provide partial financial support for the Museum,
the remainder must be raised through a variety of means, including Foundation interest.
Each year the Foundation gives 4% of its holdings to the Museum for operational support.
This goes to support many hard to fund expenses such as:
Operational maintenance and repair
Operational supplies
Utility bills
Staff salaries
Technology expenses
Matching funds for special grants
Your contributions to the MacNider Art Museum Foundation will allow visitors to enjoy the benefits the Museum provides: